Treehouse World Park Rules
Treehouse World is an outdoor "rain or shine" family entertainment center and the adventure activities are held in variable weather conditions. Please plan and prepare accordingly by wearing appropriate outdoor gear including but not limited to durable, closed toed and closed heel shoes. Apart from thunder, lightning or wind related closures, all daily programming will go on rain or shine unless otherwise posted on social media or company website. Guests are encouraged to call, prior to arrival, if weather is questionable.
General information/policies: All participants and/or parents or guardians on Treehouse World property will furthermore be called "guest".
- Treehouse World allows guests to bring in any outside food or non-alcoholic beverages. Guests may not bring in glass bottles: Broken glass presents a danger to visitors, employees and animals.
- Treehouse World requires all guests to sign a waiver before their entrance to the property can begin. You can save time prior to arrival by signing a waiver online or at the Kiosk in our main building. If you are part of a group and/or party you must sign the waiver attached to your booking confirmation.
- Observe and follow instructions given by park staff as well as on all posted signs.
- Always wear closed-toe/closed-heel shoes or sneakers. Do not wear sandals or flip flops.
- Wear harnesses appropriately fitted over the outermost layer of clothing.
- NEVER remove or put on a harness without staff assistance.
- Ensure a staff member checks your harness and connections throughout your visit.
- Meet weight requirements established for each activity.
- Hazardous Materials - Guests agree not to bring on to the premises any material, substance, equipment or object which is likely to endanger the life of, or cause bodily injury to any person or property or which is likely to constitute hazard.
- Conduct, Personal Property and Indemnity - The conduct of all participants while on Treehouse World property shall be the responsibility of the guest. Guest also accepts all responsibility for any injury to person(s) or property, or loss of or damage to the property or theft of personal property while at Treehouse World. Failure by any individual or group to follow all applicable rules and regulations will be cause for eviction with no refund. Treehouse World retains the right to evict objectionable persons from the premises. Repeated violations may result in denial of future visits. Guest shall release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Treehouse World, its agents, officers, and employees from any and all responsibility or liability for any and all damages or injury of any kind or nature whatever to all persons, whether agents or employees of the guest or persons attending the events for which the premises have been leased, and to all property damage caused by, incident to resulting from, arising out of occurring in connections with, the use by the guest of the premises. The provisions of this section shall include any and all losses. Receipt of this confirms that customer read and fully understand Treehouse World's policies.
- Natural Surroundings: Help preserve our park. Please keep on paths and do not cut or scar and plants or trees.
- No Pets of any kind are allowed on park property. Service Dogs are permitted, if trained to do work for people with disabilities and if the animal is under the owner's control. Register your service dog at the main entrance prior to entering the park. Dog waste is the responsibility of the owner to dispose of.
- No refunds or credits are issued. For group/party cancellations/postponements please refer to your contract terms and conditions.
- Place all trash in proper receptacle found throughout the park.
- All sales are final - no refunds on daily passes
- Ask for assistance if you have any questions while using the park.
- Park management reserves the right to ask anyone in breach of these rules to leave the park. During extreme weather conditions, you may be asked to evacuate the park.