Admissions, the provisions of services, room assignments, and referrals of clients shall be made without regard to race, color, religious creed, disability, ancestry, national origin (including limited English proficiency), age or sex. Program services shall be made accessible to eligible persons with disabilities through the most practical and economically feasible methods available. These methods include but are not limited to equipment redesign, the provisions of aides, and the use of alternative service delivery locations. Structural modifications shall be considered only as a last resort among available methods.


Any complaints or concerns of discrimination can be filed with U.S Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights, (OCR) the DHS Bureau of Equal Opportunity (BEO) and/or the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC). The CEO and General Manager will also work together to resolve the complaint or concern. Information will be passed on to Senior Department Director to assist in communicating to parties involved and come to a resolution. The Manager on Duty can also assist in handling communication and addressing complaints or concerns. The Front Desk can assist in giving knowledge of who the complainant or concerned party can contact.


Registration can be completed online at  Our website booking system tracker is in real-time and will display if a date and/or camp program is sold out.


Payment for camp must be completed with a credit card and will require a 50% deposit per week/camper booked at the time of booking.  If you wish to take advantage of discounts offered and pay in full, you may do so at that time.  Your full payment will be due and automatically processed with the card on file the Friday prior to the start of your camp week,  Failure of payment will result in your camper not being able to start until payment is made.

We will refund you in full, with the exception of $75 administration cancellation fee, if you need to cancel your camp week within 2 weeks prior to camp start date.  Cancelations with less than 2 weeks will be refunded via gift card for use anywhere at Treehouse World.  If you need to move to a different week, and it is available, we will move with no fees.


The names, addresses, phone number and payment information of our entire camper population is confidential and will not be shared.


You will be required to completed required camper registration forms including health/medical forms, authorized pickup forms and camper information forms prior to your camp date.  Campers will not be permitted to attend without these forms.  Forms will be emailed in a separate email to you and are online fillable.


Drop-off will begin at 8:45AM and conclude at 9AM sharp.  Pick-up is 4PM Sharp.  We are continuing our contactless drop-off/pick-up system and will ask you to remain in your vehicle while the counselor retrieves your camper.  You will continue through the park and make a loop to exit.  Campers WILL NOT be released to anyone other than those designated as authorized on your camper forms.  If there is a change, parents must inform the camp director so that information can be corrected.  Our drive is one way in and one way out.  Please obey all stop signs as this is not a private street.  Speed limit is 15MPH please adhere to this for the safety of all staff and children in the park.  

LATE PICK-UP If your child is not picked up at the close of the camp day, you will be charged a late fee of $10.00 per child for each fifteen (15) minute interval.  Payment will be charged to your card on file.

EARLY PICK-UP Parents needing to pick up a camper early should make arrangements with the Camp Director prior to the early pick-up date.  The Director will advise you of the location for pick-up.


You are required to complete a health assessment form as part of your registration process.  Should your child require medication to be administered, we will administer prescription medication only when the prescription is current, and the parents provide an accurate dosage spoon/syringe.  Please do not leave any medication in a child's backpack.  All medication must be provided to the camp director, in original packaging and labeled with your child's name (this includes inhalers, EpiPens, etc.).  Over the counter medication will only be administered when accompanied by a doctor's note of permission.  The following information must be included:  date, doctor's full name, practice, child's full name, specific dosage, and frequency of dosage.


Please ensure that all items are labeled with a permanent marker.  Outside play is the core of our camp and it important that your child is dressed appropriately for outside play.

  • Backpacks are encouraged and are stored in an accessible area for your child
  • Refillable water bottle - This is a must
  • Sunscreen - Please apply your camper with sunscreen in the AM before coming to camp.  For safety/allergy purposes, we will not allow campers to share sunscreen.  Campers will be required to put on their own sunscreen.
  • Lunch/Snack are not provided.  Snacks are available for purchase at our snack shop.  Cash will NOT be allowed.  Campers wishing to purchase snacks must have purchased a refillable gift card prior to start of camp.
  • Change of clothing/towel/bathing suit - Again we are an outdoor summer camp facility and you may want to send a change of clothing for your child.  We typically have one day per camp week where our campers participate in water activities and you will be notified of that day to send a towel and bathing suit if you wish.
  • Athletic, closed-toed footwear only (sneakers) - If your child wears any other type of shoe to camp, they will not be allowed to participate in the daily activities.
  • Toys and Electronics are not permitted at camp.  Our camp is filled with active games, hands-on activities, exploration, and other counselor selected activities.  Outside toys and electronics are not permitted at Camp Treehouse.  Camp Treehouse is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.  


Camp Treehouse is an outdoor summer camp program.  We provide a full program, even on rainy days.  In the event of dangerous weather, campers will be moved indoors until it is safe to resume activities outdoors.  Should a natural disaster occur, you will be notified in any changes of schedule in advance.


Camp Treehouse expects appropriate behavior from our campers.  When the bad behavior is exhibited it is not accepted, we explain to the child what is expected of them and give them every opportunity to comply.  If the behavior persists, the camper will be redirected and parents are notified verbally.  Any behavior that causes safety or health concerns, will result in the child being picked up immediately and removal from camp may be warranted.  Refunds are not given for campers who are not permitted to return.


Bullying is when one or more people exclude, tease, taunt, gossip, hit, kick, or put down another person with the intent to hurt another. Bullying happens when a person or group of people want to have power over another and use their power to get their way, at the expense of someone else. Bullying can also happen through cyberspace: through the use of e-mails, text messaging, instant messaging, and other less direct methods. This type of bullying can also lead to persons being hurt during or between the camp seasons and be especially hurtful when persons are targeted with meanness and exclusion. At Camp Treehouse, bullying is inexcusable, and we have a firm policy against all types of bullying. Our Camp philosophy is based on our mission statement which ensures that every camper has the opportunity to acquire skills, knowledge, friendships, and life experiences. We work together as a team to ensure that campers gain self-confidence, make new friends, and go home with great memories. Unfortunately, persons who are bullied may not have the same potential to get the most out of their camp experience. Our leadership addresses all incidents of bullying seriously and trains staff to promote communication with their staff and their campers so both staff and campers will be comfortable alerting us to any problems during their camp experience and between camp seasons. Every person has the right to expect to have the best possible experience at camp, and by working together as a team to identify and manage bullying, we can help ensure that all campers and staff have a great summer at Camp Treehouse.


Waivers are required for all campers to be signed during the registration process.  Waivers will be checked prior to the start of your camp week and you will be notified if you have an unsigned waiver on file.  Campers without waivers on file, prior to their camp week, will not be able to attend until one is completed.


For tax purposes, our FEIN number is 47-3862647.  Your confirmation receipt is the only receipt that we can provide.  Please do not ask us to complete any additional forms for your reimbursement purposes.  Your booking receipt will include the date of camp, cost, and payment information.  We no longer can provide emailed confirmation receipts for 2024 as the new dates for 2025 have been entered and will reflect that on your purchases.


Have questions?  Please email for a timely response.  We do not have staff responding to phone calls during the off season.